Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Ahhh!! Today was not a good morning for me! I really hate irrelevant people to screw up my matter AGAIN! Nevermind. Forget abt it.
POA,recess,A maths..BORING! Got back my Physic test! I passed!!! Haha!!! At least all my efforts were being paid off. Crapper 1 was sick today. So i sat with crapper 2. And sth funny happened when crapper 2 went to collect his Physic results. =D Assembly was Talentime. I was really looking forward to the big show in the first place. But it didn't end up so nice la. A maths lecture after school. Chen Ni gave me a lift home after that.
It will be my birthday in another 2 days time. Seriously i don't feel excited at all. Maybe it's because i celebated it already. Haha. I don't have the birthday mood at all. Why. I don't know.
[You may not notice me in that small lil corner.]
[But you made my heart went burning.]
[I just want to hear you say my name.]
[I'm desperate for your voice.]
[Stay with me tonight will you?]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 5:03:00 PM
Monday, July 30, 2007
Got back from school not long ago. Same weather,same routine but something's not right in me. I don't know what it is. Finally Zann called me ytd.Chatted for about half an hour? I can say she's really nice. I'm blessed to have two sweehearts who understand me so well. They got the message that i've been trying to convey through phone. =)
This week is going to be a blast for me. Extra lessons after sch tmr,meeting Jing Hao,Ah Bee and Chen Ni for dinner on wed night,BIRTHDAY on thurs,meeting Zann on friday,revising my work on sat and as for sunday, i'm going over to Daryl's hse for some tutoring. What more can i wish for, when my schedule is already so packed up? Birthday gifts are going to cost me a bomb! I wonder how am i suppose to raise THAT sum of money. Maybe i should rob Tiger Bank? HAHA! Only 5A1 understands about Tiger Bank. It's lame anyway. Ciaos.
[Your appearance caught my eyes.
I can neither move nor speak.
When you got closer,
i almost went breathless.
I regretted for shutting myself down
and let you walked away.
Waiting for the chance to fly past again.
But tell me, when will that be.
You're asked to be true.
Everything is so much more than a memory.
Tell me what's happening on your side
and i'll tell you mine.]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 4:40:00 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Ahhh!!! I can't believe that Chen Ni held a surprise party for me today!!! She tricked me to Robby's hse saying she wanted to meet BiYing. At first, i did told my two crappers that something was not right. Then they told me don't be so BHB. So all my thoughts were being hit off.
Girl,i love you so much!!! Most of my classmates attended. Namely CHEN NI,EILEEN,SHU MIN,JASMINE,ELISA,MIN HUI,XIN MEI,CHEN QI,PATRICIA,MUMMY,CHEN NI'S MUM,WAN XI,WEI KIAT,ZHI KAI,EE SENG,JOHNATHAN,JIAN MING,JOHN,ROBBY,ZHI YUAN,JEREMY,JOHN KOR KOR,ZHAO KAI,TECK JUN,DESMOND CHU. I reallly can't thank you people enough for the party let alone the fun you people had created. Especially the live performances by OneAndOnlyBand. Haha!! Those who are suppose to be here are not!!! so sad!! =( they are DE JUN,NEWELL,DESMOND,SHAUN,KEVIN,ZANN. Kinda worried for Zann la. Don't really know what happen to her.Hope she will get back to me soon. Ok. Here are some pictures from the party!


I'm really very very happy today!! I sincerely thank you guys for putting in so much effort! I will never forget this day. BIG BIG HUGS AND KISSES!!! LOVE!! =D
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 10:24:00 PM
Yipee!!! Weekends are here!! =D
I guess most students are always waiting for weekends to come.Two days off from school was never enough but one must be contented la.
It was not a good morning for me today. I forgot to set my alarm clock ytd night and my dad woke me up at 6:55 am!! I was totally struck with the fact that i woke up late! Wondered for two seconds whether i should attend school or not. But due to the Chemistry test,i went. Things got worse when i reached school. Lecture by my form teacher early in the morning and stomachache in the midst of my chinese lesson.Went straight to the toilet after my Chem test. And i end up with having diarrheoa(wrong spelling? not sure.)!! Next was PE(NEVER FUN FOR ME!),slacked the whole two periods. Had diarrheoa again after recess. GOSH! It's like not having my recess right??! Got back my History test result,i failed by one and a half marks! argh!!
Getting down to Bugis later. Accompanying Chen Ni to get my sis's present! Not going to splurge on anything today cos i will be broke if i do so. Celebrating Teck Jun's birthday tmr and watching the Simpsons on Sunday. I think i will be staying home the next weekend. O level is coming and i have to study! DETERMINATION! haha! 6 more days.. =)
[ My eyes saw through things
that i've never seen before.
It could be a start of something new. ]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 1:40:00 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
FWAH!!! The weather nowadays are shivering!!! It've been raining for a few weeks. The coldness made me wanna dose off in class and have a good sleep. Ok. Let's move on to things tt happened today!
Left a sweet note for my mum this morning.I end off with "i love you!" ! Cos I forgot when's the last time i said this to her.haha! Anyway,she's ill.So,as a filial daughter,i shuld really care for her now and make her happy!! =) Next was school. It was all about having fun with my two crappers(Shaun and Des). Desmond made me hit my own nose!!! I am really deceived by him tt a human's palm can cover a human's nose. I'm stupid right??!! But they're funny la. Study hour was Social Studies. Amazingly,i did Mrs Chan aka Miss Tan's work!! We were to write an essay. The reason why i did her work so obediently was because,i really want to pass my humanities. O level is scary!! Chen Ni went home early so i walked home myself. Got to do some revision on chemistry later. I MISS PING & PONG!!!
[7 more days.. =) ]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 4:53:00 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
BLA! today was boring in sch!! Slacked for the first two periods,recess,A maths,physic(boring!) and E maths(test! kinda screwed up..). During recess,almost half of my class were loitering ard the coridoor. Not really sure who started the commotion.Sec 5 students(US! 5A1) started to make fun of those sec 1 girls at level 1. It was fun! haha! but too bad,it was only for a short while and Mrs Loke came. School finishes off with a lecture by an angmoh. I can really say that his english sounds perfect!! It was all abt making money in the future and planning.
Chen Ni wasn't in school today. One word. LAZY! hey girl! if you're reading this,heed my advice. Be more spontaneous in going to school!! O level is coming!! Will be doing some revision with des ltr for Physic test tmr.Hardworking huh? haha! I just have to slog through the last 2 months and i'm free!! Ok. Going for a nap now. Bye! LOVE!
[9 more days. =D]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 4:36:00 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Myths of all candy...
School had never been as good as today. Almost all the teachers were not in class for lessons. Free and easy all day except for CME,english and maths. Just as i was eating my ting-ting candy,wirrdah told me sth unbelievable. She said that her mum told her ting-ting candy are made out of old uncle's leg skin!! HAHA!! I really burst out into laughter and told her it's not true! Maybe her mum wants to bluff her when she is young la.
Shaun brought a black sweet for the class today. I was clever enough not to eat it cos i read his blog about the sweet. I heard my friends said that it tasted sth like grass! haha! Lucky i wasn't so gullible. During free periods,they stood at the corridoor promoting the sweet. Many were deceived by my classmates. haha!!
After school,went bedok pasar malam with "A Band"(without robby) and Chen Ni. Ate Ramly Burger!! Anyway,i wasn't disturbed by what wirrdah had said abt the ting-ting candy. In fact,i bought another packet!! lol. Met up with Desmond ard 6 plus to revise our Maths for test tmr. He bought me another 2 packets ting-ting candy!! thanks des!! =D Going back for revision once des finish his dinner. LOVE!
[The merry-go-round situation never ends.]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 7:29:00 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Going gaga over ting-ting candy...
You are never gonna believe that i ate 3 packets of ting-ting candy today!! oh my. I think i'm going to die out of diabetes one day. It's seriously sweet,chewy and nice that i just can't resist to eat more! I bought additional 1 pac to bring it to school tmr. Just in case i have a sweet tongue. Haha!!
Went over to Daryl's(my cousin) house this morning to teach him some Maths. At least for the very first time,he paid serious attention to what i've taught. Anyway,guess what i ate for my lunch!! VEGETABLE PORRIDGE!!! Ingredient: CARROT,potatoes,BROCCOLI!!! unbelievable huh?!!! Lena(daryl's maid) cooked it. It was NICE!! Mummy,please learn how to cook that!! Once my grandma told me that if i don't start eating vegetables,bad things is going to fall on me. Something like,my apperance will resemble a 50-60 yr old plus old auntie when i'm only 20-30 plus at heart. It really scares me. So to off-set the worse,i'm beginning to take some greens, hoping it will help. Haha!! Ok. That was Bobby in the picture! He kept running ard,so i didn't got a chance to take photos with him. =(
Met my mum ard 3 plus. We discussed abt my birthday present. =D She promised to pay for my hair rebonding as my birthday gift! Jing Hao kor also asked what i wanted for my birthday. Can't really think of any la. Maybe just a simple dinner will do?? I don't know, but i'm not really looking forward to my birthday this year. Don't you think 17 is a bit weird?? ha. LOVE!!
[Someday, i just feels like shit.]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 5:12:00 PM