To Mr Gabriel: My savvy english teacher! =D LOVE!
To Mrs Lam: Good morning TO YOU! HAHA! LOVE!
To Mrs Chan: Alright cher. That's enough. HAHA! LOVE!
To Mr Raj: I don't know how to explain in details. So let's just forget it. =D LOVE!
To Mr Jake Tan: Tell you a secret. I usually ran away from PE to have early recess. =D LOVE!
[ Say cheez!! ]
[ That's me! =D :Patrina,Sri,Shumin,Farhanah. ]
[ SHE: Shaun,Leslie,Jasmine. ]
[ Pat eat shit??? haha!! ]
I bet all the performers will put up a very nice show that day. Went shopping for teacher's goodies after rehearsal. Along with Chee Beng,Jasmine,Shumin,Shaun and Weiming to Sheng Siong. Packed our goodie bag below Shumin's hse. Went home for dinner ard 6 plus. Still deciding on should i attend school tmr or not. I'm not really in a mood to do CIP. It's tiring. I'll see how it goes. =)
[ Pack pack pack. ]
[ Love you chubb chubb! =) ]
[ Zann & Patrina ]
[ Plaits for the day!! Wee!! =D ]
[ Thank you Liyana! =) ]
Went home straight after prac. Lazed at home for one hour plus and i prepared myself for school again. From now on,i will be attending night study with WeiMing,YuYan,Farhanah and Sri studying A-maths. Hardworking huh? =) Apart from studying,there is bound to be some gossiping lah. HAHA!! And i got lots of news that are happening in my class! Things i never knew! Shhh!!! =D When we were leaving the school, we saw an animal! Sri guessed it's a weasel and i guessed it's a monkey! HA! Right now,i'm at Daryl's hse. My uncle deduced that Bobby likes me cos he wagged his tail when he saw me! =D That's a yeah! Alright. That's all. =) LOVE!