Prelims had started and what can i say? THE EXAMS STRESS ARE KILLING ME! Had been mugging to the extreme for the past few days. Alright, this is what i remember.
Beloved chubb chubb came looking for me at my school last tuesday,18/09/07. She accompanied me for lunch and we started bitching and camwhore most importantly. Haha! Phat phat loves chubb chubb! =)
Thursday,20/09/07,it was Shaunnie's birthday!!! Gave him a surprise accompanied by DeJun,MeiYan,Desmond,CheeBeng,Andy,QingEn and HanChung. We went to his house and he was damn stunned! Haha! You should really see his expression at then. Damn funny! Stayed till night as Mdm Tay(HanChung) and Mr Soh(CheeBeng) taught the rest of us POA. We set up KuKu Sec School too. HAHA! They're really a bunch of fun ppl! =) All photos below were taken from Shaun's blog. =)
[ All thanks to MeiYan. ]
[ He still remains postive abt it. Haha! ]
Friday,21/09/07, POA was a killer! Doubt an A will come my way. Alright, at least give me a B can? Haha! Went home after lunch with bestie. Thought of taking a nap but i decided to finish up my half done puzzle. And ta-dah!
[ Yea, this was given by Shaun,Desmond,CheeBeng and DeJun during my birthday. =) ]
TODAY!!! Woke up ard 12 in the afternoon and rush out to meet bestie at Pasir Ris. Revised our work in Pasir Ris library. When we stepped into the library,we saw a group of primary school pupils from Casuarina Primary gathering at one corner and of course, we went to take a look. =D They were helping to raise funds for some organisations through folding hearts as 1 heart contributes $1. So bestie and I decided to be kind souls for the day!!! We took a stack of the papers from them and sat at one corner folding it. I folded 35 pieces which means i've donated $35!!! =) Ah, felt damn contented as i've a good deed! =) LOVE!!

[ Hand-made by Patrina! =) ]