Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Ah, was surfing net aimlessly and decided to play some online mahjong ( some said "so auntie!", some said "it's a stupid game." ) But, who cares! Haha! Kill time what! Kept losing so i came to blog instead. Hee.
Pay day ytd, and i'm only left with one quarter of my pay now. Don't ask me where have all the money gone to. Cos i seriously lost count. Still thinking of how much to change for the batam trip. I'm god damn broke now! I think 80 to 100 is enough la huh. (*My sis-sitting beside me, just asked me to buy her shoes and bags from batam. Go away la! I'm blogging! Read later!!!!! LOL.) Anyways, i will have to wake up at 4.30am!!!! Meet everyone at 5.30am and leave for batam at 7.45am. I bet it's gonna be a fun x1000000000000000000 trip! If i'm not wrong, those who are going are, Johnathan, Elisa, Minhui, Desmond Chu WeiMing, Ivor, John, Minghock &... Han fei?? Not sure whether he's going. CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT! =DDDDDD
Checked out my schedule for next month today. I'm only working 17 days next month! Woohoo!!!! All my shifts are only 8hours! It's a bit WTH la cos i won't be able to earn much. But nevermind la, lemme enjoy myself before school reopens! Hee! And oh! I watched Nacho Libre today! It was damn holy funny can! Looked so "zi bi" laughing to myself in the train. HAHA!
CAN I LIKE START SCHOOL NOW?! I miss school campus! As i was telling DeJun aka Ivor in MSN just now. I can get to see more hunks! He agreed. HAHA! Whole lot of lunch buddy i will have in TP. =D
Okok, i think i should end here. Cos PATRICIA is like waiting for me to finish using the laptop. She has been sitting beside me since i blog. I shall be kind and let her use. ( Eh wait,I'm always kind! =D ) Good night. <3>
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 10:01:00 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
In another few minutes, it will be PAY DAY!!! It's the best day of my life man! Will be going shopping with mum tmr. Hee!
Anyways, as i was saying in my previous post, " I don't want to go to school " or whatever it is, has now changed to " I WANT TO START SCHOOL ASAP!!!! " Haha! All thanks to ZANN! MY MIGHTY-GLIB-TONGUE BESTIE! =)
Just received a text from chubb. I hate it when ppl mistreats her. I mean, why do such people even exists! Dumbo! I don't know what i can do to make her see things clearer in this world. But Zann, face it! Things don't always come our way. Meanwhile, forget about Marc though i know you still care about him. He will be back with you soon. Jon & I will always be there for you. And now there's Kelly, it doesn't get any better. I love you bestie. Cheer up. =)
Another text from Chen Ni this morning. As for you, you've done your best in creating the most memorable anniversary for your mum & dad. It's up to them to keep up the marriage. Not you! I know you're being filial but if you're not paid kind for being filial, then why bother? It will only makes you upset girl! Try other alternative ways to show your love. =)
You guys might be thinking, " what's up with pat? why nowadays she like got so much things to say? Is she going to die??!! " HAHA! NO!!! It's not what you think. It's just that i've learnt to appreciate things around me. I don't wanna be selfish anymore. Even if i have to stick a leg in everything, i will. School's reopening soon. I just want to start afresh. With new friends, new environment and not mentioning EX FLAMES! Haha! But i will always remember what Shaun told me. A torn paper can never piece back together. Even if it does, it will be imperfect cos the tear will always remain. (* he showed me real example by tearing one of my foolscap paper!) Ha! Turn the whole logic thing into our lifes. And you will understand what i mean. I will honestly tell you that i haven't been over Marcus Tan for the past few months. But now, I've decided to move on. So, Shaun's logic took me 8 months to get into my head. That may be long but i tried, and i succeeded. Love can't be force. I believe there's gonna be someone out there for me. =) It could be you, you, or YOU!!! Oh well, I'm a lil too excited i guess. Hee.
Maybe some beauty sleep might help this lil girl to control her over-excitement. OH OH! I will be travelling to Indonesia Batam with some of my friends this coming Sunday! I bet it's gonna be fun as long as shopping is involved. HAHA! Gotta go! Good night! =D
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:50:00 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Aye, here i am, sitting alone in my living room with my face covered with Hazleline moisturising cream blogging. Bro & sis not coming home. Mum & dad sleeping like a dead log. No one to entertain me! Pfft!
Tried to add some movies into my Mp3 but! file too big. My pathetic ITouch is only 8Gb. Aye, call me dumb or whatever you want for buying such a nice but useless Mp3. I don't care! I'm so in love with my Itouch ok! ( this is to you, JOHNATHAN! LOL. ) Will figure something out of it. I must watch movies in my ITouch!!!!
Work was boring! Especially when lazy bums are working! Hate it man! They can just stand there and stare at you cleaning up the store without initiating to help. How "helpful" they were huh. Actually, to be exact, not "they", is HE! Always giving excuses! Oh please la, if your dad has the surname of Benjamins, i will shut up. If not, GET YOUR STINKY BUTT WORKING! Gosh!
Millenia Walk staffs came over after work. And i met my first school mate! FATIN!!! She will be going TP too! But different course. Yeah! Another partner for lunch! Hee!
Was over at Chubb's blog and Friendster a moment ago. Can see that she's really happy with what she has now. I'm glad she enjoyed her new life. And i bet Kelly ( her new friend ) can protect her. That puts my mind to ease cos i hate seeing ppl taking advantage of chubb. Can't wait to see this da jie jie of mine soon. I miss hanging out with her! <3333333 =)
Something's bothering me. But i don't know what is it. Hmmm... (* paused for 1min) I don't know, is it me or everyone around me is changing? There's just this weird feeling in me that says " Get a new life Patrina! Leave those burdens behind and start afresh." But again, i'm so reluctant to go TP! Purely because of him. Wait, i'm so contradicting. Forget it, i'm writing nonsense. Maybe i should just go to bed and sleep huh. So much thinking will only give me white hair! And i hate white hair! Lol.
And oh! Speaking of hair! Ryn introduced me to this Toni & Guy hair modeling thing. I dragged sis to go with me but i'm still deciding whether should i join. I don't wanna cut my hair but at the same time, i want a new hairstyle! HAHA! What's wrong with Patrina man??!!! What she wants?! LOL. Want new hairstyle but don't want to cut hair. Dumb indeed. Comments people (if anyone of you is out there reading, which i doubt nobody!) ! Join or don't join?!
I guess this is like the longest post so far? I mean excluding pictures. This post has the most text. Feeling a bit emo today that's why i got so much things to say. It's a one shot post for everything i've been wanting to say but lazy to type. Ha! Aye, gonna hit the sack. It's another long day for me tmr. Good night. Love.
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 12:18:00 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
21.02.2008, Last day of CNY. Went home early from work for reunion dinner. Had been on the topic of Polytechnics for the past few days. I'm going to TEMASEK POLY! Business/ Logistics/ Marketing course. I'm damn reluctant to go there! Cos M***** T** will be there too! ARGH! This is what happens when love turns to hate. Lol. But forget it, ignorance is bliss. Ha!
To someone i wish i never knew:
Be it i'm blinded by love or trusted the wrong guy.
I'm no longer in the days of wanting you back.
I've seen enough of your hypocrisy.
Stop being naive,
nothing's gonna hurt me even if the world is falling.
Cos i don't need you to catch me when i fall anymore.
I'm not so despicable to steal Chubb away from you.
Words that i want to say don't just end here.
There's a whole lot more but i doubt you will understand.
You disappointed me too much, way too much till i can't recognize you.
Maybe i didn't even see you right from the start.
Now, i just want you to "disappear" and quit being my "guardian angel".
I'm slowly learning my way to be strong so why do you want to ruin it agian?
Stop the pain Marc.
Let's just pretend we never knew each other.
Go away.
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 8:34:00 PM
16.02.08, Out to house visting with 5A1! Not a lot went. I'm the only girl! Aye, first stop, Mrs Lam's house. It was at some condo at Tampines. She don't allow us to take photos so we obeyed and kept our camera aside.
Second stop, Miss Veronica's house! Her house is damn nice and cosy can! I want her house!!! LOL. Had some pizza and left for third stop.
Third stop, Mr Lee's house! Had dinner there and played ban-luck. Won $1.50. Hee.
[ Ah Lee's house. =) ]
Went back to Miss Veron's house after Mr Lee's house cos the guys wanted to play with her dogs. Pretty owner, comfy house, cute dogs, what more can one ask for??!! Stayed for some PS3 games and Taboo! Taboo was definitely a fun game for a big group of ppl. Ha! Went home by bus after supper( Ba-gwa ). =))
[ Pepper & Ginger! =) ]

[ taBOO! ]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 8:05:00 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Hello, i'm back again after a long time. Haha! Too busy with work to blog.
16.02.08, Will be visiting Mrs Lam, Miss Veronica Tan and Mr Lee Kwee Wei's house today for CNY. Damn excited! Hee! Supposed to meet at 11.30am but changed to 1pm. Can't get back to sleep so i decided to blog before chubb hack me. Ha! Today will be a WINNING MONEY day! * I hope so. HAHA!
14.02.08, VALENTINES' DAY. Aww, no date this year but! I got my friends! Ha! Who needs bf when there's friends? Chey! Lol. My Valentine mates were Elisa, Enz, Shaun, Chee Beng, Desmond and Wei Ming. Met up with Elisa and Enz first because the rest were unavailable at that point of time. We walked around while waiting for them. Elisa and I tried a number of clothes and had reserved some in Zara Great World City. Enz and I decided to get out Ipod Touch today and YAY! FINALLY MAN!
We watched Ah Long Pte Ltd. Star-rating? One and a half star. It's not really THAT funny la. Shaun left after the movie and the rest of us went for dinner. *burp!
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:15:00 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Patrina decided to lose some weight!!! SHE HAS TO EXERCISE!
Woke up 10 in the morning. Peeped out my window to see how was the weather. Bright sun! Yay! That calls for a day for sun-tanning! Got my butt outta the bed and start preparing stuffs that i need. This time, i'm not gonna go back on my words. Cos i'm really getting fatter!
And off i went to take a bus to Tampines swimming complex. Paid 50cents for entrance fee and an auntie stopped me! She wanted my student pass. Showed her my student pass to stuff her mouth from speaking. Sometimes i'm glad i'm still 17! Ha! Love today's weather cos it's best for sun-tanning! Went swimming after an hour of the sun. Had muscles cramp after swimming! Grab a Subway and cabbed home.
Might be going MOS with Elisa and ShuMin tmr night. Can't wait! But everything's not confirm yet. Hopefully i can get in la huh. HAHA! Gonna hit the sack now. Working tmr = BORING! Love! =)
[ "Speak chinese and reward you with ice cream" days are never coming back. Aren't they? ]
[ Gosh. I think i'm stuck with dummy. ]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 9:16:00 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
11.02.2008, a day filled with memories. Hmmm...
Work is always fun without that old hag. That goes without saying. Ha! Going to teach chubb POA starting from next week. Hopefully i still remember those POA stuffs. HAHA! Began to slack in the fitting room when the crowd of the customers were lesser. Camwhored! Hee!

I seriously can't take it anymore! When is she going to stop all those nonsense! Stop telling me stuffs that i'm not interested in! I have my own life to care about ok! Shut up! Argh!
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:42:00 PM
Friday, February 8, 2008
07.02.2008, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Well i guess everyone has been waiting for this day to come! Cos it's the ka-ching period! Ha ha ha!!!
First stop, Ah Ma's house! Woke up 9 in the morning. *yawns! Skipped church because we were kinda late. This year, there's only mum, dad and me celebrating CNY. The other 2 Pats went Genting! Dumb right? Lol. My family was the first to reach. Breakfast? Steamboat, AGAIN! Watched some telly and slacked around before we left for the next house.

Second stop, Dad aunt's house! Uncle Henry drove me, mum and his family over while Uncle Augustine gave the others a ride. Watched telly, talked about results, gossiping about other relative's child and gf bla bla bla... Lol.
Uncle Augustine then gave my family a lift home before we head to the third stop. =)
Third stop, Great grandmother's house! The house that i looked forward the most! Cos there's always tons of my mum's relatives gathering there! Oh! Did i mention about this girl i dislike since young? Her name is Jia Xuan. But i got a nickname for her. SHEE SHEE! ( Urine! HA! ) She knocked off one of my tooth when i was 8! I don't remember what else she did that made me hated her so much. But I JUST DON'T LIKE HER! HUMPH! I saw her the moment i stepped into the house. She din change much la. Still that big face and quiet. So not friendly! =I Alright, forget about her. First few rounds of ban-luck made me lost $26! But slowly, i got better and in the end, i lost $17. Shall try my luck this coming Sunday with Click 12! HA! 
[ Yes, steamboat AGAIN & AGAIN!!! *puking!! lol. ]
[ My same age uncle! Benjamin! =) ]
Went home around 9 plus with aunt Cecilia and her two sons. On our way back, mum and i felt a lil empty in the stomach.So we went to the Mc near our house and had supper! 
Damn it man, have to wake up early tmr cos my relatives coming my house. Pfft! Booked tickets for the movie CJ7 for my family. It's been years since my dad join us for movies. The two Pats so spoiler! If not it will really be a reunion for us. I still remember dad used to bring us for movies every thursady in the past. Hmm.. kinda miss those days. Lol. Chop chop! Have to go to bed! Got to empty my pockets for more ka-ching to come in tmr! HAHAHAHA!!! =D
[ Just when i needed you the most, you disappeared. The bed you used to lie on, the cup you used to use, the song we used to sing and everything you did, left a footstep in my life. So could you be my guardian angel once again and guide me through the monsoon? IMY L*** Z** / D**** / M*****.
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 12:44:00 AM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
In another few hours, it will be the Rat year! Just finish my reunion dinner not long ago. Feeling damn full now. Anyways, i'm blogging this post before i fix my artificial nails on! Hee! Moving on.
05.02.08,Suppose to go swimming and tanning in the morning but no sun! Therefore i continued my beauty sleep. Lol. But in the midst of my sleep, mummy called. And guess what. She fell from the chair! I was shocked man! Worse was she can't leave work. So i cancelled my meet up with chubb =( and accompanied my mum to the acupuncture.
But before mum could even go to the acupuncture, i have another 3 hours to spend. I went shopping all by myself. Yes, alone! I kinda enjoy it though. Din want to trouble my friends to accompany me just for that few hours. Firstly, i went FCUK to look for some basic tees but went out the shop empty handed cos they don't have! Then i walked to Marina Square ( All ah-lian stuff =2 ), Suntec city to see how much G1 and G2's ITouch cost and i bought a shirt from FOX! Then lastly to Bugis to take train. But while walking along the aisle of Bugis Junction. I saw a nice shirt from M Industries! And it's for man. So... the person who came to my mind was fat Patrick. I don't know why i felt so forgiving that day. And eventually, i bought the shirt for him. Ha! I'm a good sister ok!
After accompanying mum to the acupuncture, met up with sis for dinner. Bought a blouse for mum and a sexy sleeping dress for sis. Spent damn much that day! Pocket got one big big hole now! LOL!
[ Mummy was suffering behind the curtains! Haha! ]
06.02.08, woke up late for work today. Reached work at 11pm. Sometimes some customers can be so annoying till they will laze around the shop where everyone's going back for reunion dinner. And the most infuriating thing was when they tried more than 10 pieces of clothes and tell you they will come back again next week because they forgot to bring this or that. Damn it man! Waste time only! Argh!
Reach home just in time for dinner. Mummy prepared a lot of stuffs for steamboat! Sumptuous meal! 
Alright! Time to have fun with my nails now! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR PEOPLE! Love! =)
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 8:47:00 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Waited for a year and here it is. REUNION DINNER! This means, CNY is getting nearer!WooHoo! Today's dinner was with paternal side. Donkey years since i last saw my uncles and aunties.
Dinner starts at 7pm. I was working before that. Kind bro-in-law and sis came and fetch me from work. Was wondering what will my kins say when they sees me. FAT? And oh! All my colleagues had been saying " Pat! You're fatter now! Can tell from your face!" But i have to admit. I'm really fatter! My face is so chubby now! =(
Alright,ditch that aside. Going back to my reunion dinner. All my uncles and aunties gave good comments. *phew! Most of them came for this gathering except my fifth uncle. He flew to some countries.(Air-steward) Took quite a number of photos and grandma brought out some of my childhood photos. I looked so silly in the past! But! Silly = Cute! HAHA! Went home around 9 plus.
As i was telling Elisa the previous time, i'm gonna find an admin job and quit Raoul. Too tiring! Wanna enjoy some life before poly starts. Hee! Wish me luck aye! Here are the pictures during the reunion dinner.Good night! Love. =)
[ The man in red is a funny guy.(without specs) most likeable uncle! =) ]

[ Blue shirt-> ALWAYS say i'm fat in the past! Now? KARMA! HAHA! ]
[ Wonder chef! My grandma! =D ]
[ I love taking family photos! So heartwarming! =) *my face so chubby! Pouts! ]
[ Paternal side. Not in picture: Grandma,Uncle Henry and Uncle Jeffrey.

[ Random. ]
[ The aunt whom i always talk about. Local artist, Shirlyn Tan. ]
[ She will be on the screen soon. March. =) ]
[ I bet you can spot where i am. See.. i love my bro so much IN THE PAST. * Not now! LOL! ]
[ Mushroom head was the "in" thing at then. HAHA! ]
When Patrina gets older, REVAMP!

[ The ugly side of me. ]

[ World peace. =) ]

Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 9:54:00 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
30.01.2008, a day out with bestie! Chen Ni! We went out to get some CNY clothes. Damn excited for chinese new year! Ha! Shopped around Bugis and walked past the manicure and pedicure shop. Can't resist to get my toes wriggling for CNY! Wasted $20 plus for it. But it's ok. Quite worthy la. Hee. =D
[ I got butterflies on my two big toes! Hee! ]01.02.2008, The start of February! It was Click 12's reunion dinner and those who got their bursaries last year would have to treat those who did not get. And i'm one of the "did not get" group. So should i be sad for not getting (i was just 2 positions away! Argh!) the bursary? Or should i be happy cos i don't have to fork out money for the meal? Haha! It was a win-win situation la.
We went to the best place for crab bee-hoon. While Shaun & Han Chung were busy ordering from the menu,the rest of us were busy catching up. First dish served was SHARK FIN!!! Woa huh!
[ And since Wei Ming was the nearest, he got the job. Ha! ]

[ Is your stomach growling already? ]
[ Thumbs up! ]

[ BURP! =D ]
Headed off to ChinaTown after dinner. Long bus trip which took us more than an hour. The theme for this year's CNY in ChinaTown was Disney! MICKEY MOUSE! Yeah! All the lightings set up was damn nice. 

Walked around and shopped for candies! Bought some home for mummy! =) Went home by bus around 1 plus. It was a cold and windy night. Grrrr...
[ Huat ah! LOL! ]

[ Disney family! =) ]
Brought to you by...
[ CLICK 12! =) ]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 7:25:00 PM