School started 10am today. So i planned to wake up at 8am. But lil did i realise, there was no electricity, until i tried to iron my clothes! I was feeling so #$^^$%$%#$@#!@#! Lucky there's water. If not i won't be going to school. Ha!
Lecture for an hour & went Tampines Mall to slack. Had Tori Q for lunch. Arcade-ed a lil & went back to school. There was this stupid fire drill in school today. It happened in the midst of lecture. & the lecturer expected us to go back after the drill! Like wth. So, though it's still the first week & though we're supposed to be good kids for the first week at least, we skipped the lecture. HAHA! Accompanied Ryan & Teck Yong to configure their laptops instead. & we end up playing msn's webcab there. Took group photos! Ha! Went home for dinner! =) [ From left: April, Joy, Charmaine, Gladys, Patrina. ]
[ 1B10! TeckYong, Sylvester, Gladys, Pat, Char, Joy & Ryan. ]
[ <33333>
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 8:45:00 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I'm starting to love my class more man! Went to school at 11am this morning & met up with ShuMin & Johnathan for breakfast. Ate chee cheong fun. It sucks! Lol.
Lecture started at 12pm & it was boring! The lecturer talked so much rubbish for an hour & only start lesson after all those rubbish. There's a CCA exhibit in school today. Explored all the booths with my classmates. & i signed up for TOUCH RUGBY, dance & tennis. HAHA! Touch Rugby seh! I've never played this sport before. Just wanna try la. Doubt it will break my bones or anything. Din join the rest in having lunch at Tampines Mall after school cos mum needs my companion! Shopped around Tampines Mall & went home at evening.
Tomorrow's gonna be a long day! Start class at 10am & end at 6pm! Aye! Shall go grab dinner now. Bye! =)
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 5:48:00 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
It's been a while since i sit down on my bed writing a piece of my mind.
I think not a lot of you know that i'm changing job. Quitting Raoul by end of this month. Life can never get pass me without having a job cos i need that amount of money. So, i went for interview at the McDonald Delivery calling centre, & i got the job. Starting training this Saturday. Sometimes i seek answers to why do i have to work for my own allowance. Why can't i live like any other fortunate kids who can rely on their family for everything. I never blame my parents for it though. Cos i know they had already given me & my siblings the best of all. Aye, or i should say, all these had made me more independent & i'm a lil glad i was brought up this way. As i was saying, "sometimes" this just popped into my mind. Don't really matter anymore. I love you mum & dad! =)
To me, being rich & popular doesn't weigh as much as having all my friends & family with me. I treasure & love them a lot, but not in an obvious way. I still care as much though i seldom talk to my friends. Now that i've started Poly & got to work at the same time, i have lesser time for them. For example, i missed the gathering for Click 12 last Friday cos i've to work morning shift the next day. I really wanted to join them. I'm sorry guys!
To Zann: I would really love to see you soon babe! I missed you like hallelujah hell! Crash my school soon aye! Then you can go hunk hunting with me! Hee! Love you chubb. =)
To Johnathan: I'm like freaking waiting for your call now! Bluff me! Dumb. I'm not gonna ask you to view my blog anymore cos eventually you will, even if my blog's playing a nursery song. Heh. & i know you will always be there for me no matter what. "No matter what" includes me turning fatter. Hee! I appreciated everything ok! L-O-V-E.
To Chen Ni: I'm sorry for not being able to meet you so often. I guess this was expected when we know the both of us are going different poly. You're not forgotten anyway. Will meet up with you once i settle down with my school & work. love.
To Click 12: I MISS ALL OF YOU! Each of your faces & humour! I'm sorry that i din turned up the gathering last friday. I would really love to! It's just that i got to work morning shift the next day. Please please please organise another gathering. Hopefully i can make it. I know it's impossible to not be on a weekend but i'm working on weekends. =( We'll see how it goes aye. Anyways, my hands are getting a lil itchy! You guys know what i mean. Hee! Love! To Charmaine, Joy & Gladys: If the three of you ever read my blog, just wanna let you girls know, i love hanging out with all of you! Though we will be in different class next year, i hope we will still remain as close like now. Love. =) Shall hit the sack now. Night! =)
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:06:00 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
17th April 2008. TP orientation! Met up with Johnathan, ShuMin, JingYong & Fatin at school bus-stop. The most lucky thing which happened to me that morning was! I'm in the same class as JingYong! Woohoo! I'm not alone. Ha!
It was a long morning with the principal's speech & Synergy leader's cheers. Obviously i din join in the cheer. Cos all their actions were a bit lame. HA! Jing Yong agreed with me. So we just sat there & played dumb. Lol. After hours of cheering & more cheering, we went for lunch! & the first two friends i made in my class were Joy & Gladys! =D
During lunch, i got to know another girl. Charmaine! We clicked off quite well & decided to make ourselves as a group. So foursome la. Ha! I love dancing TP mass dance the most! It's damn fun. You get to spin your partner! =D
The sun was a blast that day. So i left early for home with Johnathan & JingYong. [ That's Chickadee & Duckadee! ]
[ There's even a dance to the school song! Ha! ]
18th April 2008, Second day of orientation. Thought of chabot-ting the second day. But i agreed with my girls to go. Charmaine was having fever so she was not with us. Supposed to meet at Auditorium Hall 1 but i got lost! Aye, it's not as if TP's that big but i can't find that hall! Called one of my SL. Claudia! Very nice girl! =) The day started off with the course manager's bla bla bla & went for tea-reception. We then went to our class to meet our CP(care-person). Very nice & cute old man. HAHA! Got my time-table & guess what! I HAVE NO LESSONS ON EVERY WEDNESDAY FOR ONE SEMESTER! How cool is that man! WOOOHOOO!
Next was TP's Olympiad. Somehow like Sports day la. Ha! Business school won! =D [ Joy <3!!>
Last event was TP's Regetta at Bedok Reservior.Went for movies after that.The Forbidden Kingdom. The show was not really that nice la. I find that the story line was a bit weird.& have you heard of an emperor who speaks English?!! Ha! Watch-able movie cos there's Jackie Chan & Jet Li. But other than that, damn waste of my mum's money la. HAHA! Rating: 3 stars. [ Wake-boarding performance by a 15 years old girl! ]
21th April 2008, FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Gosh! I'm finally back to my books after five months plus of holidays! Met up with the girls at the school bus stop. First subject was Lecture. Topic was Microeconomics & Macroeconomics. Kinda understand a lil what the lecturer was talking about. Had three hours of break! Saw Ah Bee in the office! He recommended me & my friends to have lunch at Mensa. Thanks dude! Had Nasi Lemak for lunch & it's only $2.40! Ha! Went to collect my EZ-link card after lunch. =D
Slacked in library for a while & went to CHEERS for snacks before hitting to the next lesson. Second subject, Communication Skill. Love it man! =D
Finished school at 3pm. Went Tampines Mall with Joy, Charmaine, Gladys & Ryan. Ate some fries & we chit-chatted about our class. Had a great laugh talking about it man! HAHA! Went home for dinner. No school tomorrow & Wednesday cos this week no tutorials!!! YEAH!!! =D
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 6:43:00 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Woke up 12pm & kept telling myself that i have to go jogging before i turn fatter. I can't take it when everyone starts saying " eh pat, i think you grew fatter. " It's just SO sickening. I can never allow myself to turn fatter! Cos i'm already fat now! Pfft!
I thank sis for her "regards". She texted me in the morning asking, " So did you went jogging? Haha. " I was still sleeping can. But her text makes me even determine to jog la. I don't want them to think that i'm always saying it but never get things done in the end. So, I got my ass off the bed after 10 mins i received her text., changed into my sports attire & headed to the park.
Jogged for about 1/2 hour & i'm exhausted like mad. I guess i'm going to jog again tmr. I need to!
Met up with Johnathan to Bugis around 5pm plus. This guy wanted to buy his NEW BAG. Ha! Humph! I also got a lot of bags! Chey!
Had Pepper-lunch Express for dinner & went home after some shopping.
Out of a sudden, he said he wants to go for brow trimming. Accompanied him there & it seems so fun but pain! Decided to try after seeing his beautiful brows. Lol. Not bad man. Pretty pretty. =D
Dorothy commented me on Friendster & told me that i missed out a whole lot of fun in TP orientation camp! =( I'm not regretting, am i? Nvm! This coming wednesday & thursday's orientation day camp shall compensate me the fun that i've lost. * hope so... =) Night!
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 10:44:00 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
* i seriously don't know what's wrong with my stupid bluetooth device. ARGH!
11th April 2008, Back to Damai to collect my O level certificate along with Jeremy, Johnathan, John, MingHock, DeJun, JianMing, Elisa & MinHui. I was damn excited cos i can get to eat Fatimah! =D Saw a few teachers & chat a lil about our work life. I miss secondary school days man! =( By 1.30pm, Elisa, MinHui & me accompanied Jeremy for his registration in the International Casion Training School at Turf City. This guy is gonna be the future God of Gambler man. Ha! His dad drove us there. It was quite a long journey from the East. He can be counted fortunate as his family is quite wealthy. The course cost him 7K! Rich ass.
Met up with the rest after we're done. Mr Goh( WeiMing ) & HanFei joined us too! =) Actually the main activity of the day was to go FISHING! Never in my entire have i gone fishing before. Lol. We've caught small fishes, puffer fish & sucker fish! FUN! Din bring back those fishes with us. We released them back into the sea. =))) Desmond Chu joined us around evening.[ His first catch! ]
[ His first catch! ]
[ My first catch. WOOHOO! ]
Had dinner at East Coast Lagoon. & went home by bus 197. =)
If only those words you said came 4 years ago. I might just agree. But it was too late. Though there was this lil emptiness in me too, I resisted in making another wrong decision. What goes around, comes around. Never expect a miracle to happen. Things don't always go our way, plus imma big girl now. I'm not that naive anymore. All I can say is, I had my sweet revenge.
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:10:00 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
10th April 2008, A day out with mummy! Decided to spend some quality time with mum before i start school. Knew that she will wake me up early in the morning therefore i went to bed early ytd night (1am. Ha! Like no difference! ). And yes! She woke me up at 8.40am!! Argh! I wanted to sleep like an hour more!
While mummy got bro's jeans down to the market for alteration, i was lazing at home watching Mickey Mouse! Hee! Left house for Tampines Mall at 10am plus.
First to CPF building to clear some school fee doubts. Then went for lunch at Sakae. Shopped in BHG & BodyShop. Went to Giant, Ikea & Courts Megastore around afternoon. Mum bought lots of things & i have to carry man! Cos her hands were getting weak. I love shopping with mum. Despite her age getting older, she can still crack jokes! I laugh like mad when we were shopping. Lol. I <3>8th April 2008, I've decided to walk up the stairs everytime i come back from work. As usual for that day. When i reached home, i turned to the left & took off my flip-flops. Greeted my dad & to my surprise, I SAW A KITTEN JUST NEXT TO MY FEET! I was like " AH! PAPA! GOT KITTEN!" My dad was like " Ai yo, why you bring back a cat?! " -_- Hello daddy! Your daughter is afraid of cats! Why will i want to bring back a cat & scream?! Lol. Dad was mighty! He took the kitten by the head & left it at our doorstep & closed the door. Told sis & bro about it. They were so eager to see the kitten. & ta-dah![ HAHA! What an adorable family i have. =) ]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 6:14:00 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
* damn bluetooth device facing problems. Shall upload those pic some other time. Pfft!
6th April 2008, HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO CHEE BENG! Reached home at 5am after Chee Bengs's chalet. I gotta complain about that damn aircon. My house's fan was way cooler than that "aircon". A few left at 2am plus. Cabbed home with ShuMin, Eileen & Leslie. Slept all the way from 6am to 5pm. Woohoo.. =) Anyways, i hope Chee Beng had a great time! =D [ Second round of cake cutting. Official 18. =) ]
[ Result in lack of love. I'm referring to the guy on the left. HAHA! ]
[ Eileen's foot & Enz's butt. Damn unglam. Lol.]
5th April 2008, Chee Beng's birthday chalet! Woke up 10am plus in the morning & received Eileen's text that we're going to WeiMing's house to prepare food for the chalet. Brought 6 packets of rice to his house & we started cooking! Woah! The food were piling like a mountain man! & we have to cook it! All for you Beng. Ha! Split into two houses (WeiMing & ShuMin) to speed up the cooking. We were all wraped up by 7pm. & off we went by ShuMin dad's car to East Coast! =))
[ He still has his feather on! Gosh! ]
[ HanFei & his "magics". ]
[ Movie entertainment. ]
[ First round of cake cutting. ]
[ JC friends. ]
[ Damaians. ]
[ 5A1s. ]
[ & here is CLIQUE 12! They were too high. Ha! ]
By 9pm, most guests have reached. Cut Beng's cake during 10pm plus cos his JC friends will have to leave early. Photo sessions, chit chats & telly-ed.
4th April 2008, Out with Chen Ni today in celebration of out 5 year friendship anniversary. First to Great World Zara. Reserved a scarf & cardigan from ShuMin. Had lunch with Min & headed to Far East. Wanted to buy a tee shirt which i yearned for BUT the shop was not open! Argh! Bought a spaghetti top instead. Bumped into Daron when we were halfway shopping.
Was hoping to buy the Ripcurl bag that i <3 but ="(((((." face="Arial" color="#666666"> Got a grey jeans & a tee from Marina Square & a bag from Bugis. Went for dinner at our nearby house restaurant for dinner. Mum, bro, sis & bro-in-law were there too. Saw a box right below the table but i wasn't feeling suspicious of that box cos i thought it was their restaurant settings. How dumb can i get man?!!! It was actually a present from bestie! There were a helium mickey balloon & a shades in there. Thank you so much bestie! =)