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Thursday, May 29, 2008
28th May 2008. Lecture starts at 2pm that day. Received Zann's msg in the morning saying she wants to meet me to Simpang for dinner. Damn excited and nothing gives me a reason not to go. Ha!

While waiting for John to finish his class, i went to April's house with Joy to slack. Met John around 5pm at Tampines Mall. Walked around and went admiring my Adidas watch & Nike bag. Both items were like tempting me to buy it straight away la! Excluding the fact of being broke of course. Hee! The Adidas watch only left ONE in Tampines and Century. =( So if i don't see it there the next time, bye bye love... HAHA!

Next was the Nike bag. Thank god i din buy it the last time. It's on 10% now! Ha! I want i want!!! But i also cannot buy though i have the money! Cos i need to save up for HK! Argh! John suggested to buy it for me as my birthday but i don't want! I want to get all my presents on my birthday itself! LOL. Yes yes i know. I'm very troublesome. Ha.

Met up with Zann, Helmy & his "friends" at Tanah Merah MRT around 6.30pm. & guess what! Chubb surprised me with a very very nice card and a bull-eye chart! Hahahah! Love it! Gonna start throwing darts to the chart! You know what i mean besties. Hee. Dinner-ed at Simpang and i really had fun catching up with Chubb despite so many disruption! I miss this girl like hell man! When we had to leave, she just stood there and waved goodbye. Awww.. heartbreaking scene! It's as if we're living in two different countries! We'll meet up soon again aye Chubb?! =)) <3333

[ Bestie all-mighty!!! =D ]

Bought pratas for Joy, Jordan, April & Gladys before meeting them at Expo's coffee bean. We're supposed to study but ended up talking more than studying. Hee. Went home at 10.30pm.

29th May 2008. Tutorial in the morning. Damn lethargic to go school actually. But the thought of sem test next week, i know i got to go. Ha! Reached school meeting with my girls & found out that lessons end at 11am today! HA! Is it a woohoo or a WOOHOO?!! Lol. Tutorial was damn slack today cos it was our tutor's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIR! =) Ok. I shan't waste my beauty sleep time any longer. Night people! =)

Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:54:00 AM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Lesson only starts 2pm tmr! So i can blog! Ha! Actually no school on wed, but there're just so many make-up lecture! Argh! Mid-Semester test next week. Must study! Ahhhhh! [ I just find this sandwich machine so amazing. Hee.. ]

[ I swear we din agree to wear white together. =) ]
Went Suntec with Alvin after school today. Motive was to accompany him to get his shirt. Took bus 518B. Express bus, so we reached town in half an hour. Subway for dinner! Went Millenia Walk's Raoul to look for Jen mummy! I sure miss this lady man! Chatted for like 15mins? & head to Suntec Starbucks to look for Joy! She was with Jiahui! So, HELLO JIA HUI! I finally got a chance to talk to you in person! Haha!
Din stay for long cos i'm kinda in a rush. Next was RC's Raoul! =D I miss everyone of them so much man! Awww....
Went home around 10pm plus after getting another shirt for Alvin. Idoit! I never bought anything! =(
Still say want to save up for Oakley! I'm not gonna let him buy anymore stuff! My turn! HA! Anyways, i also cannot buy la. Saving up for HK trip expenses. & bestie's birthday reaching soon! Ahhhh! Feeling damn broke, eh wait, not feeling. Is i damn broke! But i got so many things in mind that i want to buy! =((
[ You got me heels over head. ]
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 12:08:00 AM

Monday, May 26, 2008
I'm feeling very frustrated now. Don't feel like blogging so much. So i'm gonna leave you guys with the pictures that i've got from the past few days.
[ Watching "Music & Lyrics" with Joy in library during our 5 hours break. ]
[ Don't give me that puppy eyes! ]
[ Some run-away terrorist. =D ]
[ This guy loves camwhoring using my phone. ]
[ & he loves to put it as my phone's wallpaper. Ha! ]
[ APEL class is always boring. ]
[ Guess which is my foot!! ]

[ 4 things you can do with a no-teeth comb. First, be emo. HA! ]

[ Second, fake it as your moustache. HAHA! ]

[ Third, measure the length of your right eye to your left eye. LOL. ]
[ & lastly, pick your nails! HAHA! ]


Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:05:00 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Ah! Projects are slowly climbing up my neck! Just finished doing some POM. Feeling damn stress with school work nowadays! Had Comm Skills Expository writing test today. Sure fail can. I did not even finish the paper. No time to rebut my pros and cons at all. =(

All along, i thought i could relax during poly life after 11 years of primary & secondary school. But i was super duper wrong! I'm always looking forward to break times during school hours. LOL. Mocha & western food in TP is love man! Ha! Click 12 is coming to TP during June! Can't wait to let them try all the good food in TP! =)

Ok. I think i should get going with my Microecons homework now. Sigh. <3
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 9:41:00 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008
16th May 2008, TP's CCN day! Woke up 7am in the morning and left house around 8am to Gladys's house to bake cookies! There were Joy, Gladys, Sylvester & me! First few rounds of trying out weren't successful. But time was running out. So we've decided to produce in mass. It turned out nice! =)))
[ A boy band in TP. They can play very very well!! =) ]
I think there were around a few hundred of stalls in TP that day. Kinda fun la. Waited for WeiMing to go home & change before we meet Click 12.
Late evening, met WeiMing, ShuMin, Eileen, Elisa, HanChung & CheeBeng at the prison school bus stop. Shaun then met us at IKEA bus stop. It's been 4756844667348754 years since i last met this crapper of mine! We had our dinner at IKEA while waiting for WeiLiong to join us. This guy sure lost a LOT of weight. So skinny now. Ha!
We then went to the airport after dinner. I've finally went to Terminal 3! =D Actually nothing much to see there la. Thought of seeing the planes but it was pitch black at the viewing area. Cannot even see a single plane. Lol. We then decided to go Terminal 2 for Starbucks. Chatted for like a few hours then we headed home.
[ Mother's Day celebration at Clarke Quay JUMBO. ]

Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 7:48:00 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Simply hate morning traffic jams. I felt damn bad causing Ah Bee( Kevin ) late for his test. Though he din say anything, i still feel bad la. But at least i redeemed myself by buying him breakfast. Haha!

Patrina is sick! Since ytd, there's this lil thing stuck in my throat. I thought it was rice or something. But no! It's a stupid ulcer! Feeling damn restless throughout the whole POM lecture. I just can't describe how much i love my girls man. They kept asking me " Are you feeling better? " , " you better go home & rest. ", " drink more water ok. ". Aww... Sweet right?! =)))

Left with no choice, i skipped touch rugby. =( Din want to. But i know i will not be able to tahan the running and chasing. Met mum & Patrick after school at IKEA for lunch.

Took a nap before going to the doctor. Sis & Patrick accompanied me. Appreciated it. =)

It's gonna be TP's Campus Caring Network ( CCN ) day tmr! My class will be selling cookies & brownies! =)) MC off work tmr. Click 12 gathering! Can't wait! =D
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 9:09:00 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I can't really remember what happened during the past few days, so let's just move on with today! Ha!

It's always a holiday for me on Wednesday, but there's make up lesson today! Argh! Skipped lecture in the morning cos it's Business Accounting. It's like learning POA again. Plus my girls are not going, so it adds up to another reason for not attending. Haha!
Cabbed to school around 12 plus and met Johnathan for lunch. Damn lazy to take bus cos it's raining. I din regret going to TP man. Cos whenever i'm lazy to take bus, i cab. It doesn't cost more than $5. Ha! But i think i should not make it a habit la. If not i'm going to broke after a month. Anyways, Business school canteen's western food rock man! Super delicious & cheap! Went lab to print my Comm Skills resource after lunch.
Waited for John with TeckYong in business school canteen. Recommended Mocha Ice Blend to him & we're both addicted to this drink! HA! & you'll never believe that i drank 3 cups of it in one day. I really did. I'm damn proud of myself that i made everyone love this drink. =D
The guys then went for Rugby at 6:30pm where i head home. Can't wait to meet Click 12 this Friday! I really miss them! =)
Here are some pictures of me & my girls during the past few days. =)))

[ Foursome love. ]

[ Ok. i know i look stupid. Ha. ]

[ During APEL. ]

[ Joy love! =) ]

[ i love this picture. Thanks Joy. =) ]

[ I knew all these are going to happen sooner or later. But i din know it would affect me so much. Fuck you if you're going to take away with what i'm left. I'm not gonna let you make me hate school. I'm not gonna let you steal my bestfriend away just as you think that i've stolen yours. Ahhh! It's gonna been a long 3 years with you around man. ]

Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 7:40:00 PM

Thursday, May 8, 2008
6th May 2008. Long day in school. Went for Touch Rugby after school. IT WAS HELL FUN MAN! It's like playing catching. Haha! Bro-in-law then fetched me from school after Touch Rugby & we went for early celebration of Mother's Day. Bought 2 shirts for mummy as Mother's Day gift & 1 for myself. Hee!

[ The very nice Ryan lend me this MICKEY wrist-band! =D ]

7th May 2008. Met up with Gladys, Audi, Jared & Hazimah in the afternoon for POM project work. We went to Jared's house. It's like " WOW". A very nice semi-detached. End work around 4pm & went to Daryl's house to give Maths tuition. After giving tuition, received a call from Teck Yong. They're all ( Ryan, Teck Yong, Joy, Gladys ) going to TeckYong's house to stay over. I was like "threatened" to go la. Haha! Kind bro-in-law drived me to TeckYong's house. =) We slacked around the house & i was damn sleepy after a while.

I seriously can't get to sleep with them joking and laughing man! So i stayed up the whole night. Just when the guys were asleep, the girls went into the toilet & had girls talk. Yes, the toilet. Weird huh. Ha! But it was fun talking to the two girls! I love you girls!

Went to school together with all our faces looking as if we're going to pass out anytime. Tutorial was damn boring! After lecture, Joy & I went to the library to catch some sleep before touch rug training starts. Training was again, fun today. I love touch rug! =)))) Went home for dinner after that.

Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 8:32:00 PM