knew nothing about what's gonna happen today. it all seemed normal. great acting people. i can't thank you guys enough for everything. i've never been so happy for a long time since. thank you john. i'm touched. i really am. it was worth the wait. i din regret waiting. you're the one. i don't ever wanna let this beautiful story end. walk with me.
came home right after tuition today. aye, let's start off with stuff on my side. totally clueless. hon came my house after his tuition saying that he wanna leave his bag in my house. that doesn't arouse any suspicion to me cos his bag don't go with what he's wearing at all. bathed, spongebob-ed, & refreshed nail colour. 4.30pm, left house.
first stop. Suntec (according to john at then). i thought it would just be a plain nice dinner that night. but i was fucking wrong. in a good way of course! asked where we're going & he said the concourse.
me: hon! that's at golden mile! near my aunt's house
him: no no! it's around here. it's a sliver ROUND building.
me: trust me luh! it's at golden mile. i know where!
him: wait wait. i go ask for direction.
( asked me to wait aside and went to a man. )
him: ok, i know where already.
& uh huh. the sliver round building was SINGAPORE FLYERS! damn excited can! hon booked tix this morning without me noticing even though we're at the same house! goddess luh this guy. heee. weeeeee! Singapore flyers was cool! went to the koi pond that they have next. fed em for just $1. =D
supposed to take bus 961C after the ride for dinner at some mysterious place. but the board wrote that the bus only operates during sunday & public holidays. so we took cab. actually the place was meant to be a surprise till i got there. but hon got to tell the uncle where we're going. so there he goes.
him: uncle. anchorpoint. opposite ikea.
me: hehehehehehhehe! i know where..... =DDDDDD
yes yess!!!! DISNEY RESTAURANT! more like a fast-food restaurant luh. everything's so cute! everything's MICKEY MOUSE! i went totally gaga there. bought a notepad, a notebook & got a free file. all mickey mouse! =D the menu's kinda stupid. we were so lost in how to order! lol. food was okay. if you love disney, you will love there. it will bring a big smile to your face! like this -> =D
bus-ed to redhill & took mrt home after the sumptous dinner. played the "blink" game with hon during the train ride. when we reached bedok, i was like thinking " huh? going home already? lol. " wasn't supposed to ask any questions. so i just kept quiet. hee. when i got home, he took his bag and asked me to stay home. usually i will send him to the lift door. but this time, he insisted of me not sending him there. that's when i smell a rat.
patrick urged me to take a look at my blog. from there, i kinda know what's happening. & there it is. baby's sweet lil doings. a knock knock on my house door & i was so excited to open it. i was just expecting a bouquet of flowers. uh uh. nope! candles & roses at my doorstep. my heart melted. for a second, i can't believe my eyes. i've never felt this way before. & neither has anyone did this for me before. i walked out, hugged & kissed him. i teared. the day i've been waiting for is finally here. screw all those emo posts. i'm so happy right now. while hugging john, i saw hillary at the corner of my eyes. & omg. the whole band was here. chris, mark & marcus. thank you everyone & patrick. & thank you zann! for the post that you've written for john & i. =)