Sunday, November 23, 2008
was at airport with sweetpea, marc, mark, hillary, chris & ryan ytd night. we were all there to fetch nadia alvina! this girl went aussie for four months and now she's back! sentosa soon babe! =)

no school for happy kids tmr! yeah! my group declared a holiday for ourselves tmr. wanted to stay over at sweetpea's. but he got school tmr. *pouts.
aye. feeling sleepy right now. bedtime! night. =)
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:01:00 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
procrastinating on OB lecture tmr. school's like a chore to me uh.
results for streaming exercise was out this afternoon. i'm taking Diploma of Business next year. :)
impromtu speech today. was damn nervous. my topic was " Meat is better than vegetables. " oh yea man, i got the right topic. i got so much to rant about vegetables! ended up, i neglected about telling why meat is better. my bad points on vege outweigh my meat! dumb right! my tutor said that my structure was good though. awww... i suck.
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 9:11:00 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
oh well. five freakin days without my cybershot phone! fucktard. got to bear with this nokia phone luh. like going in for NS sia this phone. lol.
recently sweetpea & i celebrated our one month with chris & hillary. made a card for him. damn cute luh. obviously there won't be any photo cos... ok forget it. skip that. lol. && he bought me a rose! heeeee. dinner at downtown's Hei sushi and went for a game of bowling after that. i suck at bowling to the core can! it was fun afterall luh. stayed over at sweetpea's house. i love his bed man. super comfortable. lol. aye, anyways, happy one month baby. hope you enjoyed that day. :)
school at four tmr. uh huh. shiok right. hahaha! oh oh! results for which diploma i will be taking for year 2 is gonna be out tmr! *crossing my finger!* lemme get into business please please please!
aye, shall hit the sack now. night.
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:56:00 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
sick. down with flu & cough since 2 days ago. free from school for 2 days. good huh.
everyone's in a dilemma now. but i know i want to go very badly. yes. you're being nice to coordinate the whole trip. but. =( idk. what if no one wants to go during dec? =( maybe i can go alone and ride the roller coaster myself. hmmm...
polyclinic's med are fucked up. i'm suppose to be drowsy now but i'm not. the doctor din even examine me properly can. ok. i think i'm cranky. shall try going to bed.
I WANT TO GO *******! =(
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 6:46:00 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
omg. it's monday tmr. weekends burnt out by work. like wth. damn fucking boring. i think i prefer giving tuition. aye patrina. hang in there. it's just another THREE mother weekends and ka-ching! yes yes. its all worth it. whatever.
can't wait for december to come. i need a holiday. i'm so tired. hopefully the genting plan kicks back. baby said if not, we will still go somewhere with ryan & nadia. weee!
another clique 12's birthday. desmond chua. had dinner at 85 last friday.

Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 10:01:00 PM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
kinda sick of going to school already. how i wish i can quit! aye. just joking. heh.
having product training for my new job tmr. new job: a promoter. yes i know. damn stupid. but the pay is freakin good! i think i just have to just get pass that 4 weekends then. ha. gotta go. =)
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 9:41:00 PM