Saturday, February 28, 2009
a message from baby boy on Valentine's day...
My love for you will die when the last rose withers.
love, John
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 9:02:00 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
today's the start of main sem papers. macro was first. checked my answers with prodigy tay jing yong. i think i'm screwed.
waiting for john at my house now. to STUDY! omg. books are draining my brain cells. i wanna escape from all this! for one f. diploma, we're studying like fags. :( why am i complaining so much.
i dont really know my point of being here. hur. i'm sleepy. so, bye.

[ i miss 1b10. :) ]
baby: babe, everytime i see you, can you remind me to carry you and do squats?
pat: huh? why? lol.
babe: cos i want to be able to carry you when you can't walk in the future.
AWWWWWW! silly sweetie.
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 6:11:00 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Valentine's was splendid with baby. met at bedok mrt and he surprised me with a bouquet of roses. one of it was a fake rose. i can't explain how dumb was i when i reacted. i spoilt the sweetness of it man. lol. sorry baby.
we went for a movie at cineleisure. slumdog millionaire. kinda funny plus scary. lol. then dinner-ed at clarke quay. baby refused to tell me where we're going until we reached that place. Indochine. the ambience was awesome. we sat by the singapore river enjoying every bits of that day.

baby's home after dinner. another surprise from him. he bought me a dress!! :) i was also damn eager to show baby his present. so i ran off to take a bathe. when i came out of the bathroom, baby was already doing something in his room. he lighted up candles and that moment was really heart-melting. brought out his present when he went to bathe. i did a scrapbook for him. with most of our pictures in it. oh! i wanna thank patrick for staying up with me finishing the book with me. you rock bro. :)

anyw, i can tell baby loves the book. he laughed so hard after seeing each pictures. lol. the night ended off with PS2! wrestling. which i suck at. haha! thanks for everything john. i love you. :)
and oh! wanna thank charmaine too!!! for that lovely present! i owe you one girl. :)

Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 12:52:00 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
blogspot is being a bitch. i cant upload my photos! argh!
got back my course grades few days ago. 1 B+, 1 C+, 1 C, 1 D, 1 D+. yea i know. it suck pretty much huh. hopefully i can do very well in the upcoming exams and pull up my gpa. *crossing fingers!
valentine's day is around the corner. havent got bb's present yet. it's gonna be a belated one. sorry hon! :(
still deciding if i should go school today. for that 2 hours of public speaking! boring! mum asked me to hang out with her instead. hahaha! what a cool mum i have eh. heh. anyways, i'm getting a lil hungry. lunch time! :)
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:22:00 AM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
caught Bride Wars with babe, nadia and ryan! double date eh. hahah. GV staff was dumb enuff to give us tickets for the wrong movie. like kns luh! afterall, it was a good movie. :)
babe and ryan came up with the idea of going east coast lagoon for dinner. as it was a sunday, the place was packed. obviously no seats. so we decided to seat by the sea! romantic huh! :D good thing about it was, we can enjoy the cooling breeze. bad thing was, we ate in the dark. hahah! dinner was fucking awesome. we ordered mostly from the famous stalls there and we love every single dish. aye, except for the cockles. but i know babe enjoyed it. :) 

anyws, this happened last week. i'm gawd damn lazy to update. projects are finally over and here comes april sem exams. TP is fucking busy huh. i know. and i hate it! school starts at 9am for me tmr. gtg! night!
Patrina just sang you a lullaby at 11:17:00 PM